If you landed on this article, you're likely trying to roll your server back to a previous save on your ARK: Survival Evolved service
Let's dive into the steps required to perform a rollback.
Step 1: Log into your game control panel.
Step 2: Go into your File Manager > \ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArks\ and look for your "<mapname>.ark".
Step 3: Change the file name of "<mapname>.ark" to anything but that (for example, old save, etc…).
Step 4: Next, find the save file that you want to rollback to, it should be in the same folder and be called something like:"<mapname>_(the date that you want to roll back to)_05.32.05.ark".
Step 5: Now, change that filename to "<mapname>.ark". For example "TheIsland.ark".
*Note: If you are using a different map, look for the files with that map name instead of "TheIsland", example: TheCenter.ark, Ragnarok.ark